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Showing posts from November, 2016

One Month

It has been a month and a few days since I posted here.  A few days after my last post I fasted Face Book and without thinking about it, I guess I fasted Blogger too.  Tomorrow is the last day of my fast.  I am glad I did it.  I wanted to have a clear head for the election.  I didn't want to be overwhelmed and too talky concerning the post and comments about the election so God gave me the idea to fast FB.  I could keep my cool, relax and be more in prayer.  It has been a good month. Another thing I did this last month is lose 10 of a total of 16 lbs. Can't wait to lose more.  I also signed into Bloglovin.  I have seen the widget for many years but never checked it out.  I am not sure why I did finally but when I realized it was a place to go and see blogs I was so excited.  I love blogs.  That is why I used to be a part of Stumble Upon.  I loved being taken from one blog to the next on Stumble Upon and I love hitting ...