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Fridays Fave Five

Fave Five

I am so thrown off with the weeks of isolation that I keep forgetting to post.  But I am

1. Thankful for FFF because it makes me look at the good of each week.  Praise God He is so faithful that I truly have more than 5 things each week to be thankful for.

2. I am enjoying this time with my Husband.  At first I was kind of upset that our 46th wedding anniversary stay-cation had been stopped with this isolation.  But it has been so wonderful to be stuck in the house with my sweetie.  He walks 6 miles a day when he can, so I made him a mask.

3. I went on a date with my sweetie to WalMart.  No one can go in without a mask.

4. My oldest son who had the brain injury in December, bought a house and they have moved.  He needed help with cleaning and I went over to help.  We know we don't have the virus and they think they had it late last year when they were soooooo sick and I don't know if I have had it but I have lots of faith I won't get it.  So here is our no mask picture after cleaning out the rental they moved out of.  My son and my grandson...So handsome.

5.  Zoom is an amazing tool.  I got to zoom with my younger son and his family this week and say with my own voice Happy Birthday and look him in the eye at the same time.  I have had fellowship with two of my best friends this week and church meetings too.  It has been amazing seeing the person I am talking to.  Tomorrow I get to have another zoom meeting one with a ministry group I am involved in.  I can't wait.

There is so much more I could list here but there is just one additional bonus Fave I want to highlight.  I have had the blessing of calling a portion of our churches data base address book and 99 percent of those I called are doing fantastic.  I hope that is a comparable  percentage of the world too.  None had the virus but a few were scared of it.  I was honored and blessed to pray with them.

I hope your Good Friday and Easter is wonderful and if your Church is not on line please attend Good Friday and Easter services with the wonderful church I attend.  Go to scroll down a bit and you can see when the services are and how long till the live viewing.

God bless you all as we remember what our Savior did for us.


  1. Happy 46th Anniversary! That is quite the accomplishment! It's good to see and hear your son is doing well. I'm sure he appreciated the help. So far they have not mandated masks for going to stores here yet, but more and more people are wearing them.

    1. I hope your Easter was good. Ours was so good. Thank you for the well wishes for our anniversary. It was actually March 9th but we were taking several weeks after to go do things and it all came to a dead stop soon after it started. Stay well and safe. Covered in the blood of Jesus.

  2. What a cheerful post. It warmed my heart! May you have a joyful week.

  3. Belated happy anniversary to you! You're a few years ahead of us. We've been using Zoom for church services, and I think we're all pretty used to it by now. It seemed awkward at first, but it's nice to be able to see the whole group. I'm glad so many in your church are doing well! We're in a fairly small church, but thankfully everyone is staying well.


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