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Showing posts from July, 2020

Praise God in the Storm and Count Trials as Joy

It is Fave Five Friday and I have so much to be thankful for in my storm and five is not a big enough number.  I wrote this the week after my husband went home to be with the lord.  I never published it so today I decided to put it on and update it for today.  My husband of 47 years died this past April and the outpouring of love on Facebook , Instagram, Twitter has been overwhelming. Also in person and at my church.  My family and friends have keep me blessed all these months.  God's love has shown from every one to me and my family.  1-5 (million) praises: He rescued me from an abusive household at the age of 18 years. He stuck with me and my boatloads of baggage and he loved me till the day he died. He raised two wonderful son's with me and I see all of his amazing great qualities in them. He was one of those people who could fix anything and he did.  He amazed me, our family and our friends with his mind and abilities. He also could ...