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Showing posts from June, 2016

David Phelps & Marshall Hall - Let the Glory Come Down

Random Thoughts:

I must say that I think about this blog a lot and that is as far as I get.  I used to have a very successful blog and so the neglect I show here has astounded even me.   Perhaps I will turn that around. The last month has been a nightmare health wise.   I know I am healed.   I know that the Lord is watching over me.  I know that attacks happen but this one had me a bit afraid.  I had pneumonia again (it has been a few years) and I had pink eye again (last time as a kid 1960's) twice this past month  (I was afraid that I might go blind) and apparently I had/have a raging case of allergies along with all of this!  Still God is good and wise and loving and healer.  Enough said.  Except to say that other than the allergies and feeling tired easily (I must build up my strength again), I feel wonderful.  Ready to go and get back to my wonderful blessed life.  It was awesome to be at Church for the second time in over 30 days....