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Showing posts from August, 2016
Summer in California is nearly over and every day it is looking more like we are closer to fall.  Well that is it is looking like the kind of fall days we have here in Cali.  Days that are cooler than summer (80 degrees is coming instead of high 90's) and shorter.  I can tell the days are getting shorter because my timed light needs to be adjusted to come on sooner.  My living room gets grey before the light comes on to brighten things up.  But for now there is about a week left of my usual summer routine. I have three more days of watching grand-children then my schedule changes and I'll only watch them two afternoons a week and a Sunday now and then for one of my sons and the occasional day off for the other son.  I look forward to summer because I get to spend so much time with them.  Then as summer draws to a close I look forward to having more time to myself so I can get a few things done.  It has been this way for a number of years now ...