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Showing posts from September, 2016

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Remember that essay every new school year? When I was young we never went on vacation.  I only remember one vacation with my family and one summer being left (long story) at my Grandmother's in Missouri.  But many years I had to write this essay telling what I did over the summer.  Luckily my parents took us to the beach, the movies, the park, and the mountains all summer long.  Also I lived on a very entertaining street corner. Every summer there were at least two car wrecks on that corner, and this was the days before mandatory seat belts so the wrecks were often bad.  Since we were far from town it was a while before the police and ambulance would come to their aid so often my parents would be out there checking things out seeing if they could help.  Mostly though we just watched. Two other things that happened every summer were a heard of sheep that a man brought down our street every summer. He would walk them from field to field where he had a c...