Psalm 71:6 Yes, you have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you! (NLT) I woke up at 4:27 this morning. Maybe I didn't wake up so much as I was awakened by God. I woke up in prayer. But it was worry prayer. Do you know that type of prayer? The kind of prayer where you are concerned to the point of distraction? I was praying for someone else and a problem I am noodling through with God. After praying and trying to listen to scripture I went on the "This will take my mind off of everything!" web-site -- Facebook. There I found a link to a blog called Momastery . Being my first time at Momastery, I looked it over from the beginning and found a list. I am attracted to list. Are you? I like to read them, and to make them. I wondered at how honest she was in this list. I wondered if I could do that and put it on my blog. But this and worri...
A blog about the joy in my life.