Yesterday I was at a memorial for a friend who's daughter I had prayed for, for several years, while she was out working on her testimony. It was a happy occasion, because she is with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8) and it was unhappy because she left behind 7 children.
The grandmother, who is my friend, and all the aunts and sisters are trying to keep the children together. What hard decisions they must face. I can't imagine all that must be done and grieving too. The pressure must be unbearable.
I will be praying for this family forever. ♡
My last post was in February. We didn't know what was ahead of us that day. We had just enjoyed Valentine's day and were looking ahead to the next month when we would celebrate our 43rd anniversary. But within the next week we were spending most of our time at the hospital concerned for my husband's sister. We brought, his Mom and her dog, to our house to care for them while his sister was in the hospital.
Having my husband's Mother with us turned into a very special time. I am so glad we had the chance to have her with us. Because a few weeks later she was in the hospital again. Then a day or so later his sister was back in the hospital. Between the two there was a lot to look after. Unfortunately my Mother-in-law was never able to go home again. We had her funeral in April just days before what would have been her 92nd birthday.
It is interesting how you just never know what is ahead. One minute you are happy and making happy plans and the next you are in the middle of stress and concerns for others or yourself. You can't worry about it because it won't change things and besides the bible says:
Matthew 6:34 (NLT) “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
But in-spite of having had so much concern and loss this year, and it is only July, I am excited about my life in general and the blessings I continue to receive daily from my Lord. Isn't it great to be alive and aware of what we are doing and where we are?
I am thankful and confident I will see these two women again. They are in my future. I am pretty sure it is not the last time I will say good-bye to someone I love. Knowing I will see them again makes all the difference.
I hope your first 6 months of 2017 is bringing blessings to you too.
The grandmother, who is my friend, and all the aunts and sisters are trying to keep the children together. What hard decisions they must face. I can't imagine all that must be done and grieving too. The pressure must be unbearable.
I will be praying for this family forever. ♡
My last post was in February. We didn't know what was ahead of us that day. We had just enjoyed Valentine's day and were looking ahead to the next month when we would celebrate our 43rd anniversary. But within the next week we were spending most of our time at the hospital concerned for my husband's sister. We brought, his Mom and her dog, to our house to care for them while his sister was in the hospital.
Having my husband's Mother with us turned into a very special time. I am so glad we had the chance to have her with us. Because a few weeks later she was in the hospital again. Then a day or so later his sister was back in the hospital. Between the two there was a lot to look after. Unfortunately my Mother-in-law was never able to go home again. We had her funeral in April just days before what would have been her 92nd birthday.
It is interesting how you just never know what is ahead. One minute you are happy and making happy plans and the next you are in the middle of stress and concerns for others or yourself. You can't worry about it because it won't change things and besides the bible says:
Matthew 6:34 (NLT) “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
But in-spite of having had so much concern and loss this year, and it is only July, I am excited about my life in general and the blessings I continue to receive daily from my Lord. Isn't it great to be alive and aware of what we are doing and where we are?
I am thankful and confident I will see these two women again. They are in my future. I am pretty sure it is not the last time I will say good-bye to someone I love. Knowing I will see them again makes all the difference.
I hope your first 6 months of 2017 is bringing blessings to you too.
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