I love to read and I just finished re-reading a Jamie Langston Turner book. I recommend all of her books so it really doesn't matter which book I just read because they are all equally as good. Now I am re-reading a Janette Oak book. She too is a favorite author and I recommend all her books too. Two other books I am reading/studying are Frieda C. White's "She Left a Legacy" about the book of Ruth and Pastor Diego Mesa's "40 Days of Praising God".
In "She Left a Legacy" am finding some things in common with Naomi. I am not a widow but I identify with some of her actions Actually I see her actions in contrast to some actions I have taken in the past. She is a mentor to me of how to act in a hard situation. You may think this odd since not a lot is directly said about her actions. What I tells me of her actions is what I see in how she is so loved by her daughter's in law, and the friends back in Bethlehem. Had she not been a certain kind of persons she would not have been so loved. I have only made it to the second to last page of the first chapter in this book and have prayerfully gained much insight into my own life in the pages there. Each day I dig in a bit more.
The next book that I am reading that is making a great impact on my life is Pastor Diego Mesa's "40 Days of Praising God." I am in to the 34th day and each day has brought me closer to a continual habit of praising God all the time. Wow the beauty of praise is very evident in the word and it even says that Praise is beautiful in Psalm 147. It is beautiful and I can't even begin to describe the joy I have felt each day going though this book and how it has lingered with me all day long. Also in situations that would have other wise upset me I have remembered the praise I was feeling in the morning and it has stopped me becoming upset, angry, or depressed over the situation. It has been a great book and I don't want it to end but I have just over a week of praise devotions left.
Pastor Diego has written other "40 Days of..." and I think I would like to go through each of them one at a time. I'll let you know what I learn from them and the next chapters of "She Left A Legacy."
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