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Showing posts from April, 2020

A Life Well Lived.

One of my last pictures of my husband.  We took this in the car on the way to a "Walmart date" in the last month during the isolation.  On Tuesday past, he probably had a heart attack and he is with our Lord and Savior now.  The outpouring of love and blessing has been amazing and I have learned so many wonderful things about my beloved husband.  I miss him so and I know he is in my future where we will praise our God together with the multitude. 

Fridays Fave Five

I am so thrown off with the weeks of isolation that I keep forgetting to post.  But I am 1. Thankful for FFF because it makes me look at the good of each week.  Praise God He is so faithful that I truly have more than 5 things each week to be thankful for. 2. I am enjoying this time with my Husband.  At first I was kind of upset that our 46th wedding anniversary stay-cation had been stopped with this isolation.  But it has been so wonderful to be stuck in the house with my sweetie.  He walks 6 miles a day when he can, so I made him a mask. 3. I went on a date with my sweetie to WalMart.  No one can go in without a mask. 4. My oldest son who had the brain injury in December, bought a house and they have moved.  He needed help with cleaning and I went over to help.  We know we don't have the virus and they think they had it late last year when they were soooooo sick and I don't know if I have had it but I have lots of faith I won't g...

Time To Sew

I have been doing some sewing since the quarantine. More so I have been watching YouTube videos of my favorite tutorials.  One thing that I have always wanted to make was a pressing board. As you can see I finally made one.  I used two layers of batting and a vintage sheet.  Today I reworked an old table cloth I had made for a farm table I had years ago.  The table cloth was too big for the table I have now so I shortened it.  After the alteration I pressed it on this and It was so easy to use.  I know unless I am ironing my husbands shirts I will be using this pressing table for most of my ironing needs. I wish I had made this years ago. 

Sunday Scripture

2 Chronicles 7:14   Living Bible (TLB) 14  then if my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.  I know this scripture is used a lot and it is hard, sometimes, to find meaning in something that has been used over and over.  But it is a timely verse for this season.  Click the link in the post before this one and hear a message that calls you to pray.  

Friday's Fave Five   Click this link to see the host and others who participate in Friday's Fave Five.  This picture is of my dear friend Lucy who went to be with the Lord just a few days after Christmas.  In fact just a minute after learning my son was being air lifted to Loma Linda Hospital I received a call from one of the Reverends at our church telling me she has died.   Why such a sad memory on a day when I am to tell my Fave Fives of the week? 1. Friends.  I love my friends (sisters in Jesus) so much and have a wonderful week of zoom meetings where I have had the blessing of talking to many of them.  I have had text messages, phone calls, and chats on Face Book.  The best thing is that we talk of Jesus and how present He has been in our lives during this time.  Lucy was a wonderful sister in the Lord and I thought of her a bit this week.  I talked with her daughter by text and we cri...