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Friday's Fave Five:

1. I am glad the vet was able to get my puppy, Ruthe, in so quickly to be spayed. Everything went well and she is doing fine. 2. I love the new invention of the donut instead of the, Cone Of Shame. It is so much easier for Ruthie to get around, eat, and see with the donut. 3. I am excited that either tomorrow or next week, I am putting up my Christmas decor. This picture is from 2014. Dan was still with me and He was so great. He would bring all the Christmas boxes in from the garage the week of Thanksgiving. He would also set up our tree. I did it last year for the first time since he went home and it took a long time to put that tree together. Then I had to decorate it. I think tomorrow I will put the tree together and the next day I will bring all the other boxes in and slowly put all the decor up and the ornaments on the tree. 4. I am grateful that I have so many things, not mentioned here, that I am grateful for. I have a wonderful book that I write in most days and...


 I have not posted since July of 2020.  My life changed drastically after my husband went home to the Lord and I have had a hard time, a good time, a tearful time, and a joyful time in all the months since. God has been with me all the way but I have not always been so good at staying with Him and going to Him.  Still I know he is there and loving me.  These past few months have been hard.  But it hasn't even been two years. I am learning so much and maybe soon I will find myself completely.  I know God has a plan for me.  The following is from my Facebook page. Navigation: I want only to hear the Holy Spirit. Please pray that God will give me His advice. Every time I write something about being a WIDOW so many of you tell me it has blessed you in some way. I guess maybe for now it is part of God's plan for me because it helps me to say these things and I guess it truly does bless some of you too. So I will share some things on my heart today with yo...

Praise God in the Storm and Count Trials as Joy

It is Fave Five Friday and I have so much to be thankful for in my storm and five is not a big enough number.  I wrote this the week after my husband went home to be with the lord.  I never published it so today I decided to put it on and update it for today.  My husband of 47 years died this past April and the outpouring of love on Facebook , Instagram, Twitter has been overwhelming. Also in person and at my church.  My family and friends have keep me blessed all these months.  God's love has shown from every one to me and my family.  1-5 (million) praises: He rescued me from an abusive household at the age of 18 years. He stuck with me and my boatloads of baggage and he loved me till the day he died. He raised two wonderful son's with me and I see all of his amazing great qualities in them. He was one of those people who could fix anything and he did.  He amazed me, our family and our friends with his mind and abilities. He also could ...

A Life Well Lived.

One of my last pictures of my husband.  We took this in the car on the way to a "Walmart date" in the last month during the isolation.  On Tuesday past, he probably had a heart attack and he is with our Lord and Savior now.  The outpouring of love and blessing has been amazing and I have learned so many wonderful things about my beloved husband.  I miss him so and I know he is in my future where we will praise our God together with the multitude. 

Fridays Fave Five

I am so thrown off with the weeks of isolation that I keep forgetting to post.  But I am 1. Thankful for FFF because it makes me look at the good of each week.  Praise God He is so faithful that I truly have more than 5 things each week to be thankful for. 2. I am enjoying this time with my Husband.  At first I was kind of upset that our 46th wedding anniversary stay-cation had been stopped with this isolation.  But it has been so wonderful to be stuck in the house with my sweetie.  He walks 6 miles a day when he can, so I made him a mask. 3. I went on a date with my sweetie to WalMart.  No one can go in without a mask. 4. My oldest son who had the brain injury in December, bought a house and they have moved.  He needed help with cleaning and I went over to help.  We know we don't have the virus and they think they had it late last year when they were soooooo sick and I don't know if I have had it but I have lots of faith I won't g...

Time To Sew

I have been doing some sewing since the quarantine. More so I have been watching YouTube videos of my favorite tutorials.  One thing that I have always wanted to make was a pressing board. As you can see I finally made one.  I used two layers of batting and a vintage sheet.  Today I reworked an old table cloth I had made for a farm table I had years ago.  The table cloth was too big for the table I have now so I shortened it.  After the alteration I pressed it on this and It was so easy to use.  I know unless I am ironing my husbands shirts I will be using this pressing table for most of my ironing needs. I wish I had made this years ago.