1. I am glad the vet was able to get my puppy, Ruthe, in so quickly to be spayed. Everything went well and she is doing fine.
2. I love the new invention of the donut instead of the, Cone Of Shame. It is so much easier for Ruthie to get around, eat, and see with the donut.
3. I am excited that either tomorrow or next week, I am putting up my Christmas decor. This picture is from 2014. Dan was still with me and He was so great. He would bring all the Christmas boxes in from the garage the week of Thanksgiving. He would also set up our tree. I did it last year for the first time since he went home and it took a long time to put that tree together. Then I had to decorate it. I think tomorrow I will put the tree together and the next day I will bring all the other boxes in and slowly put all the decor up and the ornaments on the tree.
4. I am grateful that I have so many things, not mentioned here, that I am grateful for. I have a wonderful book that I write in most days and I list what I am grateful for that day. Some days there are only about ten things on the page and other days there are over twenty.
5. I am grateful for God's love. There is nothing better than God's love. I never would have made it without Him in my life.
On Fridays we post 5 things about the week that were a blessing. It is hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story ~~~ This one, Titus, will be 10 soon. He and I spend Wednesday afternoons together. He does homework, get a snack and we watch Sponge Bob or Phineas and Ferb, then we cook dinner before the rest of the family comes home. He is so smart and cooks like he is much older. My Friday's Fave Five are: #1. See above. I love that boy and I am so glad he is not interested yet in after school clubs. We get to spend the time I never got when he was a baby. His Mom worked while the two older ones were between birth and 5 years. I got to love on them for her, but with Titus she stayed home. I feel very blessed to have this time with him now. #2. I had lunch with my son yesterday and he is doing so good. God is healing him and he is now going to volunteer at the hospital. This ...
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