Job 42:3b, 5 (NKJ)
Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know . . . I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You.
God has had me read Job about 5 times over the past 3 years. I love it but I don't really understand it. I am not sure anyone understand it entirely, and that makes me feel better, at least I am not the only one.
Recently I graduated from Bible College and one of my desires is to go back over all the classes at a slower pace. I want to rereading the handouts and the notes I took of the lectures. I started today with the class The Doctrine of God and Man. The bible and "Foundations of Pentecostal Theology" by Duffield and Van Cleave were our books. But first I decided to read the chapter on Job that is in the book "An Introduction to the Old Testament and It's Study" by Robert L. Cate. This book is out of print but if you can get a copy it is a very informative and well written book on the Old Testament. Be warned, it does not have an index.
Reading though the chapter in Cate's is where I realized that no one really knows what Job is about. Me especially. Reading Case's information gave me new insight and appreciation for Job. I did decide on one thing today as I read it. What I decided was that I really don't think the book is about the suffering man goes through. Many scholars think this is the point of the book. I think that suffering is in there because that is what man goes through. Satan is like a roaring Lion looking to kill steal and destroy us any way he can and we suffer a lot. It's a given, especially in light of how much Jesus said we would suffer.
What really caught my eye is what is said in Chapter 42, the scripture posted at the beginning of this post. Before all of this happened Job had talked about a God he didn't know and he didn't really understand. He had sacrificed to Him and believed in Him but he had not heard God before. He didn't have a personal relationship. Now that God had talked to him Job realized how little he knew about God, and he knew that God was much more wonderful than he had originally thought. Now that he had heard God and he had seen Him, so to speak, his eyes were open.
That's us? It's me, at least. I say things thinking I know God but every now and then I get a growth spurt and realized just how this new knowledge has also made me realize, once again, how little I know of Him. It is a nice revelation to me. I like knowing that there is always a surprise and a closeness I can keep striving for and at each new level I feel more loved, and more happy, and more hopeful, and more able to see God. I have greater faith and I feel more blessing. That is something to praise God for. Job suffered as we all do and now knew God in a more real way through all his suffering, and he sounded very happy to have learned it.
It may be simple to many but that is what I feel God showed me today as I read Job, and Cate's book. What books have you been reading and what has God been showing you? ~Grammy Sue
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