Hello and Happy First Day of Autumn. If you live in America or anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere it is Autumn. Happy Spring to the rest of you. I love this time of year. I love the falling leaves, the cooler days and I love the holidays we'll be having.
Halloween used to be one of my favorite days as a kid. I rarely bought a costume I usually made one up. We'd always have a party at school and Mom's would bring cookies, candy, popcorn balls and cupcakes. There would always be candy corn in small paper candy cups too. Then on Halloween night my Dad would drive us around in his truck. A bunch of neighborhood friends would join my sister and I in the back of our truck in search of penny candy and an occasional popcorn ball or a large candy bar. These days I enjoy going to our Church for Trunk or Treat in the back parking lot and seeing my grands and all of their friends dressed up in cute costumes.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. I love the food, the family, the thankfulness of it all. I even loved it as a kid when my Mom would paint at least one room with led based paint and our turkey would taste of paint. Yuck! I think after a few years of kind of ruining our dinner she stopped painting at Thanksgiving. I'll never forget that taste. It was terrible but I still loved the holiday. I liked the long weekend and how relaxed we all were. I used to have family over now and then when our kids were young. I loved having them all come to our house. Now that it is just my husband and I, we don't often make an entire dinner for ourselves and our kids mostly go to their wives families since they have large families who gather to have a good time.
Another thing I love is that it is Apple time in Oak Glen. It is a beautiful and fun place to visit. It is a great place to get apples, pie and raspberries. There are many apple farms to pick from and the variety of apples is interesting. My folks took me there as a kid, my husband and I took our boys there and now our boys take their families there each year.
What is your favorite thing to do in Autumn? Did you have a favorite costume as a kid and a favorite dish someone made for Thanksgiving? I hope you are looking forward to the holidays, family gatherings and food of this fun season. Happy First Day of Autumn. ~Grammy Sue
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