To express approval about someone or something.
Praise is something we all like. Even those who try to down play the praise given to them, for something good they have done, are most likely enjoying the expression's of Praise they are receiving. Because we are made in God's image we want praise. God wants our praise too. In the Bible we can read often we are to Praise God and there is, in general, so much to praise Him for.
There is something freeing, literally, when we praise God, especially in times of great need or distress. Acts 16:19-34 is the account of Paul in prison with Silas. In verses 25 and 26 it says it was around mid-night and they were singing songs of Praise, then the chains fell of of them because of an earthquake. Physically they were free but because they chose to Praise God in the worst of circumstances their hearts were already free before the chains fell off.
We too can feel that freedom in Praising God when things are bad. When I was in the hospital a few years ago to get my gallbladder out something had gone wrong and they had to get a certain level on my potassium before they could operate. I remember the pain was unbearable at times and the morphine they gave me always ran out before the time for the next dose. During that time, usually about a half hour, I would praise God with remembered scripture, my own words and with tongues. The pain didn't go away but I felt calmer and seemed to notice it less. God is good and it is a practice I have had since I first learn about this "rule" so to speak, some time ago.
We should praise God daily and I do because there is always something to Praise Him for in every day but in times of illness, financial problems, problems in relationships, depression and any other type of trouble, Praise God as well. He is still the God who saves you and He is still the God who takes care of all your needs. Praise Him every day no matter what is going on in this temporary place before we go to spend the rest of eternity with Him. Just like Paul you may be in chains, figuratively though, but they will fall away when you Praise God.
Here are some verses for you to look up that will encourage you to Praise God:
Acts 16:19-34, Psalm 103, in fact just thumb though the Psalms and see how many are about praising God. You will be amazed. Hebrews 13:13-16 Let the fruit of your lips be Praise to God. Romans 15, Philippians 4:8 dwelling on the negative? Dwell on this instead and Praise God for all the good in your life.
This year as you are reading through your bible, either through a set reading program or as you look over the sermon you have heard each week, take note of how often you see Praise to God in the verses you are reading. Look at the circumstances around it and why they were Praising Him. Incorporate Praise into your daily prayer time. It will make a big difference in how you feel and what you are thankful for. I think you'll find you have a lot more Praise for God when you look at how worthy God is of your praise.
To express approval about someone or something.
Praise is something we all like. Even those who try to down play the praise given to them, for something good they have done, are most likely enjoying the expression's of Praise they are receiving. Because we are made in God's image we want praise. God wants our praise too. In the Bible we can read often we are to Praise God and there is, in general, so much to praise Him for.
There is something freeing, literally, when we praise God, especially in times of great need or distress. Acts 16:19-34 is the account of Paul in prison with Silas. In verses 25 and 26 it says it was around mid-night and they were singing songs of Praise, then the chains fell of of them because of an earthquake. Physically they were free but because they chose to Praise God in the worst of circumstances their hearts were already free before the chains fell off.
We too can feel that freedom in Praising God when things are bad. When I was in the hospital a few years ago to get my gallbladder out something had gone wrong and they had to get a certain level on my potassium before they could operate. I remember the pain was unbearable at times and the morphine they gave me always ran out before the time for the next dose. During that time, usually about a half hour, I would praise God with remembered scripture, my own words and with tongues. The pain didn't go away but I felt calmer and seemed to notice it less. God is good and it is a practice I have had since I first learn about this "rule" so to speak, some time ago.
We should praise God daily and I do because there is always something to Praise Him for in every day but in times of illness, financial problems, problems in relationships, depression and any other type of trouble, Praise God as well. He is still the God who saves you and He is still the God who takes care of all your needs. Praise Him every day no matter what is going on in this temporary place before we go to spend the rest of eternity with Him. Just like Paul you may be in chains, figuratively though, but they will fall away when you Praise God.
Here are some verses for you to look up that will encourage you to Praise God:
Acts 16:19-34, Psalm 103, in fact just thumb though the Psalms and see how many are about praising God. You will be amazed. Hebrews 13:13-16 Let the fruit of your lips be Praise to God. Romans 15, Philippians 4:8 dwelling on the negative? Dwell on this instead and Praise God for all the good in your life.
This year as you are reading through your bible, either through a set reading program or as you look over the sermon you have heard each week, take note of how often you see Praise to God in the verses you are reading. Look at the circumstances around it and why they were Praising Him. Incorporate Praise into your daily prayer time. It will make a big difference in how you feel and what you are thankful for. I think you'll find you have a lot more Praise for God when you look at how worthy God is of your praise.
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