Thoughts From Last Year: Day 289 - Playing the Silence: "I stayed silent so as to not sin with my mouth or speak rashly." In music there is a note that you intentionally play silence. ...
On Fridays we post 5 things about the week that were a blessing. It is hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story ~~~ This one, Titus, will be 10 soon. He and I spend Wednesday afternoons together. He does homework, get a snack and we watch Sponge Bob or Phineas and Ferb, then we cook dinner before the rest of the family comes home. He is so smart and cooks like he is much older. My Friday's Fave Five are: #1. See above. I love that boy and I am so glad he is not interested yet in after school clubs. We get to spend the time I never got when he was a baby. His Mom worked while the two older ones were between birth and 5 years. I got to love on them for her, but with Titus she stayed home. I feel very blessed to have this time with him now. #2. I had lunch with my son yesterday and he is doing so good. God is healing him and he is now going to volunteer at the hospital. This ...
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