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Showing posts from 2016

One Month

It has been a month and a few days since I posted here.  A few days after my last post I fasted Face Book and without thinking about it, I guess I fasted Blogger too.  Tomorrow is the last day of my fast.  I am glad I did it.  I wanted to have a clear head for the election.  I didn't want to be overwhelmed and too talky concerning the post and comments about the election so God gave me the idea to fast FB.  I could keep my cool, relax and be more in prayer.  It has been a good month. Another thing I did this last month is lose 10 of a total of 16 lbs. Can't wait to lose more.  I also signed into Bloglovin.  I have seen the widget for many years but never checked it out.  I am not sure why I did finally but when I realized it was a place to go and see blogs I was so excited.  I love blogs.  That is why I used to be a part of Stumble Upon.  I loved being taken from one blog to the next on Stumble Upon and I love hitting ...

What Would My List Include?

Psalm 71:6 Yes, you have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you! (NLT) I woke up at 4:27 this morning.  Maybe I didn't wake up so much as I was awakened by God.  I woke up in prayer.  But it was worry prayer.  Do you know that type of prayer?  The kind of prayer where you are concerned to the point of distraction?  I was praying for someone else and a problem I am noodling through with God. After praying and trying to listen to scripture I went on the "This will take my mind off of everything!" web-site -- Facebook.  There I found a link to a blog called  Momastery .  Being my first time at Momastery, I looked it over from the beginning and found a list.  I am attracted to list.  Are you?  I like to read them, and to make them.  I wondered at how honest she was in this list.  I wondered if I could do that and put it on my blog. But this and worri...

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Remember that essay every new school year? When I was young we never went on vacation.  I only remember one vacation with my family and one summer being left (long story) at my Grandmother's in Missouri.  But many years I had to write this essay telling what I did over the summer.  Luckily my parents took us to the beach, the movies, the park, and the mountains all summer long.  Also I lived on a very entertaining street corner. Every summer there were at least two car wrecks on that corner, and this was the days before mandatory seat belts so the wrecks were often bad.  Since we were far from town it was a while before the police and ambulance would come to their aid so often my parents would be out there checking things out seeing if they could help.  Mostly though we just watched. Two other things that happened every summer were a heard of sheep that a man brought down our street every summer. He would walk them from field to field where he had a c...
Summer in California is nearly over and every day it is looking more like we are closer to fall.  Well that is it is looking like the kind of fall days we have here in Cali.  Days that are cooler than summer (80 degrees is coming instead of high 90's) and shorter.  I can tell the days are getting shorter because my timed light needs to be adjusted to come on sooner.  My living room gets grey before the light comes on to brighten things up.  But for now there is about a week left of my usual summer routine. I have three more days of watching grand-children then my schedule changes and I'll only watch them two afternoons a week and a Sunday now and then for one of my sons and the occasional day off for the other son.  I look forward to summer because I get to spend so much time with them.  Then as summer draws to a close I look forward to having more time to myself so I can get a few things done.  It has been this way for a number of years now ...

David Phelps & Marshall Hall - Let the Glory Come Down

Random Thoughts:

I must say that I think about this blog a lot and that is as far as I get.  I used to have a very successful blog and so the neglect I show here has astounded even me.   Perhaps I will turn that around. The last month has been a nightmare health wise.   I know I am healed.   I know that the Lord is watching over me.  I know that attacks happen but this one had me a bit afraid.  I had pneumonia again (it has been a few years) and I had pink eye again (last time as a kid 1960's) twice this past month  (I was afraid that I might go blind) and apparently I had/have a raging case of allergies along with all of this!  Still God is good and wise and loving and healer.  Enough said.  Except to say that other than the allergies and feeling tired easily (I must build up my strength again), I feel wonderful.  Ready to go and get back to my wonderful blessed life.  It was awesome to be at Church for the second time in over 30 days....

One Relaxing Vacation

Recently Dan and I took a road trip that we will never forget.  But before I get into that I have to say thank you to the people who made this road trip possible.  Last summer was my 60th birthday and my husband and DIL got together and gave me the most wonderful birthday party. The top picture is the beautiful setting of the party and the bottom is of my DIL and the Lady who hosted the Tea party in the park.  Believe me she did a wonderful job. We had strawberry lemonade and and water with fruit in beautiful dispensers, yummy small sandwiches, cake and all set at beautifully dressed tables.  Click the link at the words Tea Party above and see her beautiful work at the many Tea's she has hosted. I could not believe how many wonderful people came to my party and the gifts they gave me were wonderful too.  I enjoyed every one.  Part of my gifts were in the form of cash so I could take a cruise.  Unfortunately the cruise I wanted to take, and ...

Waking Up From a Nap

I am re-reading a book by Jamie Langston Turner. She is a Southern writer and a Christian who has written many good books. The one I am reading now is Winter Birds. I was reading it as I fell asleep this afternoon. I needed that nap but I dreamed while I was sleeping and I know I dreamed about my Grandmother and where she lived in Poplar Bluff, Mo. Her name was Willie. When I woke up I was thinking of her and something she used to say. She would use the word carry instead of brought or take. She would say, "George carried me over to the store today." Or "Cousin Eleanor carried me to Tennessee so I could visit a few days." She used the word cream for Ice Cream, and when she said help it sounded more like hope. She had the cutest laugh, it was a high pitched and quick Hee Hee sound. I loved her a lot. One time when we were living with her she told my mother "The All Seeing Eye is watching those girls." She said that because she disapproved of how short ...
I gave up my Weebly account and now I am back to blogger.  I am so glad I changed back.  New Post to come. I am just pondering what to post.  So till them I hope your days are blessed.  2016 is a good year. God doesn't owe us anything- yet in His grace, He still gives us good things. - Billy Graham