Yesterday I was at a memorial for a friend who's daughter I had prayed for, for several years, while she was out working on her testimony. It was a happy occasion, because she is with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8) and it was unhappy because she left behind 7 children. The grandmother, who is my friend, and all the aunts and sisters are trying to keep the children together. What hard decisions they must face. I can't imagine all that must be done and grieving too. The pressure must be unbearable. I will be praying for this family forever. ♡ My last post was in February. We didn't know what was ahead of us that day. We had just enjoyed Valentine's day and were looking ahead to the next month when we would celebrate our 43rd anniversary. But within the next week we were spending most of our time at the hospital concerned for my husband's sister. We brought, his Mom and her dog, to our house to care for them while his sister was in the hospital....
A blog about the joy in my life.