I love to read and I just finished re-reading a Jamie Langston Turner book. I recommend all of her books so it really doesn't matter which book I just read because they are all equally as good. Now I am re-reading a Janette Oak book. She too is a favorite author and I recommend all her books too. Two other books I am reading/studying are Frieda C. White's "She Left a Legacy" about the book of Ruth and Pastor Diego Mesa's "40 Days of Praising God". In "She Left a Legacy" am finding some things in common with Naomi. I am not a widow but I identify with some of her actions Actually I see her actions in contrast to some actions I have taken in the past. She is a mentor to me of how to act in a hard situation. You may think this odd since not a lot is directly said about her actions. What I tells me of her actions is what I see in how she is so loved by her daughter's in law, and the friends back in Bethlehem. Had she not been ...