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Showing posts from September, 2013

Happy First Day of Atumn

Hello and Happy First Day of Autumn.  If you live in America or anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere it is Autumn.  Happy Spring to the rest of you.   I love this time of year.  I love the falling leaves, the cooler days and I love the holidays we'll be having.   Halloween used to be one of my favorite days as a kid.  I rarely bought a costume I usually made one up.  We'd always have a party at school and Mom's would bring cookies, candy, popcorn balls and cupcakes.  There would always be candy corn in small paper candy cups too.  Then on Halloween night my Dad would drive us around in his truck.  A bunch of neighborhood friends would join my sister and I in the back of our truck in search of penny candy and an occasional popcorn ball or a large candy bar.  These days I enjoy going to our Church for Trunk or Treat in the back parking lot and seeing my grands and all of their friends dressed up in cute costumes. ...

Revelation From Job

Job 42:3b, 5 (NKJ) Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know . . . I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. God has had me read Job about 5 times over the past 3  years.  I love it but I don't really understand it.  I am not sure anyone understand it entirely, and that makes me feel better, at least I am not the only one.   Recently I graduated from Bible College and one of my desires is to go back over all the classes at a slower pace.  I want to rereading the handouts and the notes I took of the lectures.  I started today with the class  The Doctrine of God and Man .  The bible and "Foundations of Pentecostal Theology" by Duffield and Van Cleave were our books.  But first I decided to read the chapter on Job that is in the book "An Introduction to the Old Testament and It's Study" by Robert L. Cate.  This book is out of...

Happy Grandparent's Day

It's Sunday and it is a good day to start a blog.  I had a blog before and it was titled Suzie Utoozie but we had to cut back on expenses so here I am.  Free blogs are great.  This is fine and I am glad to be here.   First things first.  Happy Grandparents Day.  If you are a Nana, a Baba, a Papa, or a "Little Grandma/Grammy" and a "Little Grandpa" like my husband, Dan and I, you are blessed. You know the joy of having Grands.  We are blessed with 5 and it is the best thing that ever happened to us.  So, Happy Grandparent's Day.  Second, because it is Sunday I want to remind you to pray for your Pastor or Pastors this week.  They need our prayer and support.  There is an old saying, "If you want a better Pastor then pray for the one you have."  It's a good thing and will bless them more than you know. It will bless you to intercede for them. A good place to start is with  Psalm 1:1-3   Blessed i...