October First.
It's that time of year for getting the rake out of the tool shed and making piles of leaves. There are only a few leaves below my Nectarine tree now, but soon I'll be outside making piles and filling the compost bin. It is such a beautiful time of year and I love being outside to enjoy it. Raking leaves, picking Pomegranates, going to Oak Glen for Apples, and adding pumpkin spices to my morning coffee.
In the mornings I have been reading Acts.
It's that time of year for getting the rake out of the tool shed and making piles of leaves. There are only a few leaves below my Nectarine tree now, but soon I'll be outside making piles and filling the compost bin. It is such a beautiful time of year and I love being outside to enjoy it. Raking leaves, picking Pomegranates, going to Oak Glen for Apples, and adding pumpkin spices to my morning coffee.
In the mornings I have been reading Acts.
Acts 12:24 Meanwhile, the word of God continued to spread,
and there were many new believers.
Acts 12 is the account of James being martyred and Peter being imprisoned and let go from prison by an Angel. It always amazes me how God is so in love with us. This chapter makes me think of Pastor Saeed. Could God send an Angel to walk him out of prison? Yes I know He could, but He may have another purpose. Just as I believe there was another purpose in Acts 12 for what God did and what He allowed.
Acts 12:1-3a About that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some believers in the church.
He had the apostle James (John’s brother) killed with a sword. When Herod saw how much this pleased the Jewish people, he also arrested Peter.
I think two things were happening here. One God was speaking to King Herod Agrippa and two He was strengths His people. Because of what happened to James Christians were concerned so when Peter was imprisoned "the Saints prayed earnestly" (V.5) for Peter when he was imprisoned. When God sent an Angel to lead Peter to safety King Herod Agrippa was one of the first to know it.
Even though he had the guards killed (V.19) for letting Peter escape their guard, He must have known that the account was true. He chose not to believe it. Yet, "Afterward Herod left Judea to stay in Caesarea for a while." Why. I think he didn't want to be plagued by memory that God had done something and everything the Christians were saying was true.
King Herod Agrippa's actions make me think he made a choice not to follow God, even though, just like Paul, he was witnessing God's glory through the martyred saint. But unlike Paul, he didn't choose to open up to Jesus and let Him give him life. Instead he chose the worship of the people calling him a god and God, the one true God, made a choice too.
Acts 12:23 Instantly, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness, because he accepted the people’s worship instead of giving the glory to God. So he was consumed with worms and died.
Wow makes you think doesn't it? And on that note I will leave you with that to think about. I'd love to hear what you come up with or what your morning devotions are showing you. I'd also like to know what are some of your favorites things about this time of year?
I hope you have a blessed first week of October. ~ Grammy Sue
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