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What I am Reading

I decided I would read more this year and actually finish some books I tried to read last year but just couldn't get through. To start this year off I am reading the bible through with a one years reading plan.  Also, I am going to finish some books I started last year.

The Frieda C. White book that I shared last year, and have not finished, is for sure one I want to continue. Each time I start to read it there is so much there that the Holy Spirit begins to speak to me about that I barely get a few pages read and then spend days journaling it all out. It struck me as such a good book that I get a copy to two friends.

Another book I have been reading is "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner.  So far I find it interesting but it is not normally something I would read.  Still I want to read it as a very good friend gave it to me and is anticipating a good talk about it.  I love talking books and so I am looking forward to this talk but I must get the book read first.

I got a large print book at the friends of the library sale and I am enjoying it a lot.  I like to end the day by reading from a novel just before I go to sleep.  "Stepping into the Sunlight" by Sharon Hinck is a book about a woman who closely witnesses a hold-up in a convenience store and ends up with panic attacks.  This book is a story about her journey back to normal functioning. 

And the last book I am starting the year 2019 off with is "50 Women Every Christian Should Know" by Michelle DeRusha.  It was a wonderful Christmas Gift from my son and DIL.  I have looked through it and read the introduction but tonight I read the first entry and learned of an amazing Catholic Nun, Hildegard of Bingen abbess, meaning the Mother Superior, of the Abby who was a very interesting lady.  She had visions and words of knowledge from God and wrote them down with the Pope's blessing in the 1100's.  I am looking forward to getting to know these ladies, some I already know of and many who are new to me. 

These four books are not all that I have started but not finished.  I have "The Carolina Heirlooms Collection" by Lisa Wingate on my tablet. I read it when I am out to lunch with my husband.  As we have done since we first got married we read at lunch.  He looks at websites on his tablet and I play games, look at Facebook, and/or read the books I have saved on my tablet. We talk a lot while doing this.  We have always done it and I assume since we are in our 60's that we always will. 

Usually I start the year by rereading a loved book I have read many times before.  This year I felt I had enough to read for now. I want to keep a record of the books I read this year and what better place than here to hopefully encourage someone else to read as well. 

Now for something I am not sure I understand but feel I must do as a way of complying with rules and that is to say "WHILE I AM NOT SURE IF THIS SITE DOES USE COOKIES IT IS A POSSIBILITY SO IF YOU DON'T WANT COOKIES PLEASE GO ELSEWHERE."


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