I am not sure how to set the cookie thing SO just so you know this blog may use cookies. This is a view from a hill in Highland California. Below this is the San Bernardino basin. We have a saying at our church which is "The Inland Empire shall be saved." When I am on this hill and seeing this view that is the thought in my head and on my heart. On Friday's we post 5 of our blessing from the week. It is hosted by Susanne at https://susannesspace.blogspot.com/ It has been a wonderful week: 1. I am part of a ministry at church that meets on Tuesday nights. It helps us to overcome and truly forgive the terrible things that people can do to one another. As a mentor I have not arrived, none of the mentors have arrived. We all have hurts in our lives and we all at time have trouble truly forgiving. This ministry helps through a process of getting with God, a journal, and homework questions that lead us to a pla...
A blog about the joy in my life.