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Showing posts from 2020

Praise God in the Storm and Count Trials as Joy

It is Fave Five Friday and I have so much to be thankful for in my storm and five is not a big enough number.  I wrote this the week after my husband went home to be with the lord.  I never published it so today I decided to put it on and update it for today.  My husband of 47 years died this past April and the outpouring of love on Facebook , Instagram, Twitter has been overwhelming. Also in person and at my church.  My family and friends have keep me blessed all these months.  God's love has shown from every one to me and my family.  1-5 (million) praises: He rescued me from an abusive household at the age of 18 years. He stuck with me and my boatloads of baggage and he loved me till the day he died. He raised two wonderful son's with me and I see all of his amazing great qualities in them. He was one of those people who could fix anything and he did.  He amazed me, our family and our friends with his mind and abilities. He also could ...

A Life Well Lived.

One of my last pictures of my husband.  We took this in the car on the way to a "Walmart date" in the last month during the isolation.  On Tuesday past, he probably had a heart attack and he is with our Lord and Savior now.  The outpouring of love and blessing has been amazing and I have learned so many wonderful things about my beloved husband.  I miss him so and I know he is in my future where we will praise our God together with the multitude. 

Fridays Fave Five

I am so thrown off with the weeks of isolation that I keep forgetting to post.  But I am 1. Thankful for FFF because it makes me look at the good of each week.  Praise God He is so faithful that I truly have more than 5 things each week to be thankful for. 2. I am enjoying this time with my Husband.  At first I was kind of upset that our 46th wedding anniversary stay-cation had been stopped with this isolation.  But it has been so wonderful to be stuck in the house with my sweetie.  He walks 6 miles a day when he can, so I made him a mask. 3. I went on a date with my sweetie to WalMart.  No one can go in without a mask. 4. My oldest son who had the brain injury in December, bought a house and they have moved.  He needed help with cleaning and I went over to help.  We know we don't have the virus and they think they had it late last year when they were soooooo sick and I don't know if I have had it but I have lots of faith I won't g...

Time To Sew

I have been doing some sewing since the quarantine. More so I have been watching YouTube videos of my favorite tutorials.  One thing that I have always wanted to make was a pressing board. As you can see I finally made one.  I used two layers of batting and a vintage sheet.  Today I reworked an old table cloth I had made for a farm table I had years ago.  The table cloth was too big for the table I have now so I shortened it.  After the alteration I pressed it on this and It was so easy to use.  I know unless I am ironing my husbands shirts I will be using this pressing table for most of my ironing needs. I wish I had made this years ago. 

Sunday Scripture

2 Chronicles 7:14   Living Bible (TLB) 14  then if my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.  I know this scripture is used a lot and it is hard, sometimes, to find meaning in something that has been used over and over.  But it is a timely verse for this season.  Click the link in the post before this one and hear a message that calls you to pray.  

Friday's Fave Five   Click this link to see the host and others who participate in Friday's Fave Five.  This picture is of my dear friend Lucy who went to be with the Lord just a few days after Christmas.  In fact just a minute after learning my son was being air lifted to Loma Linda Hospital I received a call from one of the Reverends at our church telling me she has died.   Why such a sad memory on a day when I am to tell my Fave Fives of the week? 1. Friends.  I love my friends (sisters in Jesus) so much and have a wonderful week of zoom meetings where I have had the blessing of talking to many of them.  I have had text messages, phone calls, and chats on Face Book.  The best thing is that we talk of Jesus and how present He has been in our lives during this time.  Lucy was a wonderful sister in the Lord and I thought of her a bit this week.  I talked with her daughter by text and we cri...

Sunday Scripture

159  Consider how I love Your precepts;  Revive me, O  Lord , according to Your loving kindness.  The entirety of Your word  is  truth,  And every one of Your righteous  judgments  endures  forever. Psalm 119:159-160 I came across this verse in my personal time with God this week.  I had to study the word Precepts, not because I didn't understand it but because I wanted to know it better. Often when I am reading I see in God's word how He asks us to do things but He is the one who provides the understanding, the strength and the way to do what He asks.  If I were to put this verse into my own words I would say "Lord I love how you show me how to understand your ways with your mind set. You give me life because of your loving kindness and everything about You is right and will last forever."  It is a wonderful verse and if you meditate on it I think it will bring you wisdom and joy, as God's word so...

Fave Five Friday's

It is Friday again and time for friday's fave five. 1. One of my best and most blessed friend's and I started doing an online devotion on The Bible App .  I am so enjoying the interaction and the spiritual stimulation in the word that it is bringing daily. 2. Both my husband and I, and our blood and church family are well.  I do have a good friend in Pennsylvania, who's brother, a Pastor, is sick with the Corona Virus.  Please keep Chris in your prayers. 3.  The sun has been out the past few days. 4.  I am saved.  God is my savior.  I just have to Praise Him for that now and again. 5.  Ps. 23:1 The Lord is my Shepard, I have all that I need.  This is so true.  I have not felt lack in anything since all this mess with the virus has started.  God is so good and he is always there for those who love Him and live life for Him. God is so amazing.  If you don't know Him, know this:  You can.  If you go to THI...

Sunday Scripture

This scripture is how I feel about my salvation, about answered prayer to hard things, scary things, hurtful things, and this is how I think so many of us will feel when the Corona Virus has finally run it's course and we can all resume our lives.  We will be/ARE thankful that He has saved us in so many ways.  Psalm 118 15-21 Songs of joy at the news of our rescue are sung in the homes of the godly. The strong arm of the Lord has done glorious things!   I shall not die but live to tell of all his deeds.   The Lord has punished me but not handed me over to death. Open the gates of the Temple—I will go in and give him my thanks.  Those gates are the way into the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter there.  O Lord, thank you so much for answering my prayer and saving me.                                             Dana ...

Friday's Fave Five

  I love Fridays when I get to post my favorite five things or blessings about the week.  There are always more than five so it is sometimes hard to pick. To see others who participate go to Living to Tell the Story and click on the respondents in the comments.  Many of them participate. 1. From last Friday night to yesterday I was sick.  It was a flu and a sinus infection, but thankfully not the flu. Yesterday I got to go to my son's new house.  We were outside most of the time so I was not having to stay a long way away from my grands and son.  2.  Even though everything is shut down I am blessed to go to a church that has can post all services online.  I got to enjoy our Women Rock Bible Study online .  It was so good. 3.  I may have spent most of my vacation at home sick but I still have 4 more days that I can go do something now that I am feeling much, much better. 4.  I have some sewing to do and have been doing s...

It is Friday and time for Fave Five

On Fridays we post 5 of our blessings for the week.  It is hosted by Suzanne . 1.  My 46th anniversary was this week and I have done a lot of reflecting on my marriage.  It has been a wonderful life, growing up with my husband.  We went from hippies, who smoked dope to Grandparents who love the Lord Jesus.  It has been a great transition but I wouldn't change any of what God has done in our life.  I love my husband more today than when I married him. One of our anniversary blessings is that 13 years ago we were blessed with our oldest grandson.  I call him my best anniversary present. And, he is. 2.  We went to the  Huntington Library  for our Anniversary  outing. Huntington Library view from the Tea House One of the many Bonsai just before the Tea House.  Once a month on Mondays they open the Japaneses Tea House for tours.  Only a few can go at a time and we just happened to be there ...

Sunday Scripture

Mammoth, California 2017 Our Compassionate High Priest 14  Seeing then that we have a great  High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God,  let us hold fast  our  confession.  15  For  we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but  was in all  points  tempted as  we are,   yet  without sin.  16  Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. ( From The New King James and Biblegateway)

My Fave Five for the week.

On Fridays we post 5 of our blessings for the week.  It is hosted by Suzanne at   1. It has been a great week.  God has done some wonderful things in my life by helping me get over some things that I had not forgave for over 10 years.  Don't you know He is so patient and merciful? I feel relief to have finally truly given those hurts over to Him. 2.  I am on Stay-cation.  Each year during our Anniversary month we take a vacation.  Most years we go to a beach front cottage and enjoy the ocean sounds or up to Solvang and enjoy the tiny tourist town.  Sometimes, like this year, it is a daily pre-planned day out, a spur of the moment day out, or a relaxing day of doing things at home. For two weeks we just enjoy life.  Our usual busy life is a 5 day a week commute of driving 20 minutes to three quarters of an hour, depending on traffic, to volunteer and watch our grands. 3. Our tax returns cam...

Sunday Scripture

Isaiah 40:8   The Passion Translation But even though grass withers and the flower fades,  the word of our God stands strong forever! This past week has been nice.  We had some hints of spring here in Sunny California, which is always nice.  I also had some great times with God.  He has been showing me my heart.  Things I have there that I need to forgive. He has asked me to remember His testimonies.  He has shown me in His word where I need to give thanksgiving more.  This verse above, which comes to mind often, came to mind today.  God's word, His promises, His testimonies, His guidance and His love all comes to us in His word.  His word that never changes.  His word that instructs, corrects and encourages, will be forever.  It is a comfort. All other comforts will be cast aside but God's word will always be.  My prayer for you is that God's word will be your Comfort. Amen. 
I am not sure how to set the cookie thing SO just so you know this blog may use cookies.  This is a view from a hill in Highland California.  Below this is the San Bernardino basin.  We have a saying at our church which is "The Inland Empire shall be saved." When I am on this hill and seeing this view that is the thought in my head and on my heart.   On Friday's we post 5 of our blessing from the week.  It is hosted by Susanne at It has been a wonderful week: 1.  I am part of a ministry at church that meets on Tuesday nights. It helps us to overcome and truly forgive the terrible things that people can do to one another.  As a mentor I have not arrived, none of the mentors have arrived.  We all have hurts in our lives and we all at time have trouble truly forgiving.  This ministry helps through a process of getting with God, a journal, and homework questions that lead us to a pla...
  On Fridays we post 5 things about the week that were a blessing. It is hosted by  Susanne at  Living to Tell the Story ~~~ This one, Titus, will be 10 soon.  He and I spend Wednesday afternoons together. He does homework, get a snack and we watch Sponge Bob or Phineas and Ferb, then we cook dinner before the rest of the family comes home.   He is so smart and cooks like he is much older. My Friday's Fave Five are: #1. See above.  I love that boy and I am so glad he is not interested yet in after school clubs.  We get to spend the time I never got when he was a baby.  His Mom worked while the two older ones were between birth and 5 years.  I got to love on them for her, but with Titus she stayed home.  I feel very blessed to have this time with him now. #2.  I had lunch with my son yesterday and he is doing so good.  God is healing him and he is now going to volunteer at the hospital.  This ...

Friday's Fave Five

Huntington Beach California, USA.  One of my favorite places in the world.  I have been going there since I was a small girl and last spring my husband and I got to stay there for 3 days.  This was taken about a mile north of the pier. Please be aware that this post may use cookies.  I honestly don't know if it does or not and I am not techy so I have no idea how to check for that. Also in the side bar is the link to Fave Five so please check out the other participants. Friday's Fave Five. 1. Last week I had cleaned car seats and floor with a cleaner that left a very strong perfume smell.  Each time I got in the car after that, my nose would run, my eyes would water and I would feel terrible.  I am very allergic to perfume.  But this week the smell was much weaker and yesterday there was just a hint of the smell and my allergies were not so bad either but my nose and eyes did itch.  I am so thankful that the smell is going away and I am...
This is not a picture from today but today is just as lovely.  Today I joined a group who post five blessing of the week every Friday.  I was so happy my tech-guru husband was here to help me post a button in the side bar.  I had no idea how to do it. Now for the Fave Five post.  First to see others who have posted in Fave Five go to the sidebar button and it will take you to the host page.  At the bottom of the host page all who participate have made a comment.  You can click on them one at a time to see what they are thankful for this week.  Other commentors are there too. 1. I have been looking for Christian women, about my age, who blog.  I found them in November and have been checking out their blogs for a while and liking what I see. God answers prayers.  All can be found in the Fave Five link in the sidebar button of my home page.  These are some thankful women.  2. I have been trying to think of ways to be...